Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why You Should Shop at Kmart (once in a while)

As a little boy, I'd go to Kmart all the time. It was cheap, close to the house, and quick. You didn't have to worry about the lines in check out and you'd be sure to find good deals. As I've grown older, I've faded away. Sometimes this is because of distance and no Kmarts nearby. But while standing in checkout today picking up saran wrap, a power strip, and Altoids, I thought maybe it had become a social status thing for me. You I'd begun to think too highly of myself and Kmart was bad for my rep. Really Chad? The lighting is weird, there's no music playing, and you quite often hear "customer assistance to layaway...customer assistance to layaway".

But really, this place has alot to offer- and usually it provides everything I need to survive...for the most part. I'm not putting in a plug for Kmart here (intentionally) but what if many of our social stigmas are the result of fading away from humility? My cashier, Monique, was friendly. The family I stood in line with was having a good time. The dad was pleased to buy his girl Kmart brand clothing, and the girl was happy to receive the gift.

This was a great Kmart experience. And in the process, I remembered my roots. Humility. It has a name. The name is Jesus. we sometimes not shop, eat, and go to certain places because we're too good for them?

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