Sunday, July 18, 2010

get the monkeys out of the tree?

It's a night that doesn't let me sleep. I'm restless. I'm a bit of everything right now. I spent time writing just to focus some energy elsewhere. But I'm still left with time. So I thought I'd share it with whoever gives a darn.

Thinking for me is sometimes like letting monkeys hang in a tree...

There is a time to let the monkeys play in the tree to see exactly what the deal is with playing in the tree. And there are times when you need get them the heck out of it because they're making too much a ruckus. Disturbing the neighbors. Disturbing the animals. And disturbing you.

So what are the monkeys up to? Is it time to leave them in the tree for a while? Is it time to tell someone about your tree monkeys? Is it time to call animal control to take these monkeys out of the tree for good?

1 comment:

  1. Chad- you have this weird gift of making the zaniest analogies- it lightens up the confusion of life though... I just called animal control on my monkeys last night, lol.
