Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fitting what?

I had Tuesday night off. I'm always a little bit paralyzed with free time so I need a plan.
This was a great opportunity to spend the night song writing. I didn't want to work on current songs so I was just thinking and reflecting over the weekend and conversations. Struggling to generate any ideas, I walked upstairs to grab a drink. The TV was left on Disney channel (I swear it wasn't me) and Hannah Montana was giving a speech. As I was filling up my glass of water I heard her say, "All my life I've been trying to fit it...". I quickly responded to her as if yelling out of the crowd "To what?" Like who says what's important in society? You have to dress this way, speak this lingo, hang with these people, read these books, listen to this music.
So...what does the Bible say?

The Bible tells us we need a different approach to fitting into today's view of beauty.
1 samuel 16:7 says, "7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” There is an inner beauty God is looking for. He searches for it.
Jesus was our ultimate example of inner beauty. Isaiah 53 says He was not desirable to look at. He was not a handsome Messiah. But the Son of God came and died the worst of deaths , and his appearance became even more disfigured. Yet in all of this...He displayed inner holiness and truth. This is what God is after.

So my questions:
Where are my priorities?
How do I define beauty?
Does my view of what is beautiful and true mirror God's image and the example of Christ?